Mayor Colin McIntyre

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Inspection of Public Records Procedures

To Make a FOIA Request

The Village will respond within five business days after the request is received (starting with the first business day after a request is received). In cases where additional time is necessary, a letter will be sent within the five business day period. Any written request faxed or emailed to the Village after business hours (normal business hours are considered to be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30  p.m. Mondays through Fridays (except holidays) will be considered received on the next business day.

Completed requests should be delivered to the FOIA Officer via mail, fax or in-person. Forms also can be electronically submitted via email to 


First 50 pages: No fee
51 pages and more: $0.15 per page

All other requests requiring outside duplication shall be charged the actual cost for the duplication.

FOIA Officer
Donna Rogers

Lakemoor Village Hall
28581 Illinois Route 120
Lakemoor, IL 60051

Written requests may also be electronically submitted via email at or faxed to (815) 385-8206


To request copies of records or to personally inspect records, information must be requested in written form. A Freedom of Information Act Request Form is available for your convenience. Use of this form is recommended but not required. Click Here

The Freedom of Information Act, 096-0542, is the Illinois Statute governing the inspection of public records. This Act provides for public inspection of records in the possession of the Village of Lakemoor. Exemptions also are provided to insure the confidentiality of certain records; the act went into effect on Jan. 1, 2010.

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